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one platform to PREVENT fraud and chargebacks.


AI-powered fraud prevention soluion to protect you in real-time against fraudsters while maximizing your approval performance. Take control of all aspects of our decision-making tool, ranging from rules and lists to thresholds for machine learning models. Benefit from our user-friendly dashboard.




Have you ever been confused when reading a bank statement? Consumer Clarity and Order Insight allow merchants to share purchasing details with both issuers and cardholders, leading to an enhanced customer experience. By engaging with consumers and eliminating confusion, merchants can reduce unnecessary chargebacks and friendly fraud. Cherry on the cake, merchants can save revenues.

Consumer Clarity

Order Insight


Instead of contacting the customer support and request a refund, most cardholders bypass the merchant with a dispute. Our solutions enable merchants to quickly respond to potential chargebacks worldwide, by refunding the transaction or by resolving pre-disputes.

Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR)

Ethoca Alerts

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RDR cases and Ethoca alerts per month
One-stop-shop to fight fraud
Visa and Mastercard covered


What does RDR mean?

RDR stands for Rapid Dispute Resolution. Here is the link to our blog post.

Should I be concerned about getting chargebacks?

Yes, you should be. Breaching the acceptable thresholds imposed by the card schemes and the acquirers can lead to merchant account termination and penalties.

How long does it take to get a quote?

We get back to you with a pricing offer within 24 hours.

WHO we

Get to know our dedicated team of passionate individuals who work tirelessly to provide exceptional service and drive success for our merchants. Whether it's through collaboration, innovation, or a committment to excellence, our team members embody the values that make our company a leader in the industry.